quarta-feira, setembro 26, 2007

Pelos vistos, Portugal 'e um pais seguro para as criancas!

Eu prometi a mim mesmo que nao escreveria nada no meu blog sobre o caso McCann, mas como pelos vistos, de acordo com o "International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children", a Madeleine McCann 'e a unica crianca desaparecida em Portugal, apresento aqui as minhas desculpas a todos por, durante todos estes anos ter pensado que Portugal era um pais inseguro e que tambem desapareciam criancas em Portugal. Estava enganado!

Agora a serio... das duas umas: a) Ou os portugueses nao se sabem mexer e divulgar por todos os meios possiveis os casos das centenas se nao milhares de casos de criancas desaparecidas em Portugal, ou  entao, b) somos um pais tao pequenino e tao sem importancia que nem as criancas que aqui desaparecem teem qualquer valor para o resto do mundo.

Isto tem que mudar! Se nao por nos, pelas nossas criancas!"

quinta-feira, agosto 09, 2007

A melhor estrategia terrorista de todos os tempos!

Ora o meu amigo Mario Sobral enviou-me esta perola de post, escrita por ele, deixado no Freakonomics, o blog de Steven Leavitt, o author do livro com o mesmo nome do blog, onde este descrevia um possivel atentado terrorista nos Estados Unidos e perguntava aos leitores se eles fossem terroristas, que tipo de atentado fariam. O post do Mario Sobral (post #88) bate o resto aos pontos, e isso pode ser constatado pelas respostas que se seguiram. Esta gente anda mesmo cega!

Aqui se segue, na integra, o post do Mario Sobral, publicado com a devida autorizacao do autor, e o qual subscrevo totalmente:

"The best terror strategy is simple.

Become president of the powerful nation you wish to bring to their knees, even if you have to cheat your way through the elections. Keep your country’s citizens as scared of something as possible. Make them feel they are under constant threat from some outside force, but you MUST give it a name. Names known to help with this consist of “the communists”, “the terrorists”, “the traitors”, “the enemy”. Do not use any name that can be specific, it must be something that anyone can be accused of regardless of being the truth or not !!! And just to make sure you really scare them, throw in some “weapons of mass destruction” expressions whenever possible. Meanwhile, make sure you do everything possible to lose all the support from your country’s long time allies and friends, it will help your people think you are the only salvation and protection for them, and make them become more united “against the threats”.

Then, make sure you invade a poor country which produces a high amount of something essential to your economy, preferably a country you have supported and sold weapons to before. You can make up any excuse to justify your actions, as long as it means getting back at the named threats previously mentioned.
Going to war usually makes your people support even more your most terror inducing decisions, since they are too busy watching “YourCountry Idol” on TV to really understand what’s going on. If you discover that your objectives for the war, which never existed in the first place except to keep people scared, aren’t achieavable, just send in more troops and mention words of “bring democracy there”, “protect the weak”, “save the people in distress” or something similar that shows how your intentions towards the invaded country are much better than your actions towards your own people in your own country.

But be careful, there’s a risk that a natural disaster like a hurricane may bring attention to your plot to transform a once prosperous and democratic country admired by many allies, into a nation of scared overweight and neglected citizens.

If you do things right, it may take some time, but your country should then be hated by many more people than ever, your allies will avoid supporting your actions as much as possible, your domestic economy should be soon folding to rising economies of other big “waking bear” countries and best of all, you’ll retire rich and without ever being punished for any of your lying, cheating, terror inducing strategy.

— Posted by Mario Sobral "

Muito bem, Mario! Sem comentarios!

quinta-feira, junho 14, 2007

O que 'e que a GNR esta' a fazer na Palestina?

'E uma questao realmente pertinente, uma vez que estao a gastar dinheiro ganho arduamente pelos contribuintes portugueses. E qual a razao da minha questao? De acordo com o site da TSF, numa noticia publicada ontem (13/06/2007), sob o titulo Gaza - Militares Portugueses abandonam o local, os militares da GNR " que integram uma missão internacional da União Europeia na Faixa de Gaza abandonaram o território, devido à falta de segurança que se sente no local".

O Major que comanda as forcas da GNR no local disse ainda que "A guarda presidencial que assegura a nossa segurança neste momento não consegue assegurar a sua própria segurança", adiantando que os militares portugueses deverão regressar à Faixa de Gaza logo que "as condições de segurança estiverem restabelecidas".

Afinal, o que 'e que eles la estao a fazer? A passar umas ferias pagas pelos contribuintes Portugueses? Onde 'e que ja' se viu uma forca militar necessitar da protecao de quem foram defender? 'E caso para sugerir que se calhar, tambem deviam ter a PSP a proteger-lhes as costas ao cumprirem a sua missao nas estradas e fora das cidades Portuguesas. Nunca se sabe se uma ovelha amalucada ainda decide atacar um GNR e como nao se podem defender a eles proprios... mais vale protege-los.

Isto so' visto!

sexta-feira, maio 18, 2007

Uma luz ao fundo do tunel!

Nem tudo esta' perdido quando um comentador americano tem a coragem de assumir a arrogancia dos americanos e a dificuldade que teem em aprender com a historia ou a lembrar-se da dela.

Este artigo pode ser lido aqui. Foi publicado no site da CNN no dia 18 de Maio de 2007.

"By Roland S. Martin, CNN contributor

Roland S. Martin is a CNN contributor and a talk-show host for WVON-AM in Chicago.
(CNN) -- Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was declared the winner of Tuesday's Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, largely for his smack down of Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who suggested that America's foreign policy contributed to the destruction on September 11, 2001.

Paul, who is more of a libertarian than a Republican, was trying to offer some perspective on the pitfalls of an interventionist policy by the American government in the affairs of the Middle East and other countries.

"Have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us? They attack us because we've been over there. We've been bombing Iraq for 10 years," he said.

That set Giuliani off.

"That's really an extraordinary statement," said Giuliani. "As someone who lived through the attack of September 11, that we invited the attack because we were attacking Iraq; I don't think I've ever heard that before and I've heard some pretty absurd explanations for September 11."

As the crowd applauded wildly, Giuliani demanded that Paul retract his statements.
Paul tried to explain the process known as "blowback" -- which is the result of someone else's action coming back to afflict you -- but the audience drowned him out as the other candidates tried to pounce on him.

After watching all the network pundits laud Giuliani, it struck me that they must be the most clueless folks in the world.

First, Giuliani must be an idiot to not have heard Paul's rationale before. That issue has been raised countless times in the last six years by any number of experts.
Second, when we finish with our emotional response, it would behoove us to actually think about what Paul said and make the effort to understand his rationale.
Granted, Americans were severely damaged by the hijacking of U.S. planes, and it has resulted in a worldwide fight against terror. Was it proper for the United States to respond to the attack? Of course! But should we, as a matter of policy, and moral decency, learn to think and comprehend that our actions in one part of the world could very well come back to hurt us, or, as Paul would say, blow back in our face? Absolutely. His real problem wasn't his analysis, but how it came out of his mouth.
What has been overlooked is that Paul based his position on the effects of the 1953 ouster by the CIA of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh.

An excellent account of this story is revealed in Stephen Kinzer's alarming and revealing book, "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq," where he writes that Iran was establishing a government close to a democracy. But Mossadegh wasn't happy that the profit from the country's primary resource -- oil -- was not staying in the country.

Instead, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now known British Petroleum, or BP) was getting 93 percent of the profits. Mossadegh didn't like that, and wanted a 50-50 split. Kinzer writes that that didn't sit too well with the British government, but it didn't want to use force to protect its interests. But their biggest friend, the United States, didn't mind, and sought to undermine Mossadegh's tenure as president. After all kinds of measures that disrupted the nation, a coup was financed and led by President Dwight Eisenhower's CIA, and the Shah of Iran was installed as the leader. We trained his goon squads, thus angering generations of Iranians for meddling in that nation's affairs.

As Paul noted, what happened in 1953 had a direct relationship to the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in 1979. We viewed that as terrorists who dared attack America. They saw it as ending years of oppression at the hands of the ruthless U.S.-backed Shah regime.

As Americans, we believe in forgiving and forgetting, and are terrible at understanding how history affects us today. We are arrogant in not recognizing that when we benefit, someone else may suffer. That will lead to resentment and anger, and if suppressed, will boil over one day.

Does that provide a moral justification for what the terrorists did on September 11?
Of course not. But we should at least attempt to understand why.

Think about it. Do we have the moral justification to explain the killings of more than 100,000 Iraqis as a result of this war? Can we defend the efforts to overthrow other governments whose actions we perceived would jeopardize American business interests?

The debate format didn't give Paul the time to explain all of this. But I'm confident this is what he was saying. And yes, we need to understand history and how it plays a vital role in determining matters today.

At some point we have to accept the reality that playing big brother to the world -- and yes, sometimes acting as a bully by wrongly asserting our military might -- means that Americans alive at the time may not feel the effects of our foreign policy, but their innocent children will.

Even the Bible says that the children will pay for the sins of their fathers.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the writer. This is part of an occasional series of commentaries on CNN.com that offers a broad range of perspectives, thoughts and points of view."

Faco minhas as palavras de Roland Martin!

segunda-feira, janeiro 15, 2007

Se ao menos se lembrassem que o problema 'e a intolerancia...

Hoje de manha ao vir para o emprego, vinha a ouvir na radio uma historia sobre tres mulheres, americanas, uma Muculmana, uma Crista e uma Judia, que se juntaram depois do 11 de Setembro para escreverem um livro de historias para criancas a explicar os pontos comuns entre as tres principais religioes. Para tal, comecaram por se reunir para discurtir os pontos em comum, mas o resultado das primeiras reunioes foi tao mau, devido 'as discussoes que se geraram devido 'as diferencas, que resolveram desistir do projecto do livro para criancas e dedicarem-se a escrever um livro para adultos.

Durante a reportagem, fizeram algumas entrevistas 'as ditas senhoras, e a unica coisa que mencionavam repetidamente era que afinal havia muitos pontos em comum, porque as tres religioes tinham a mesma origem patriarcal em Abraao, etc, etc, etc. Nao vos consigo explicar aqui todo o conteudo das "conclusoes" destas senhoras porque sao tao futeis, que a certo ponto desliguei-me da entrevista pelo simples facto de que apesar das aparentes boas intencoes destas senhoras, elas nao terem conseguido atingir o principal problema das religioes em geral: a falta de tolerancia!

Por muito que se diga e que se debatam as semelhancas com o objectivo de aproximar as partes, como por exemplo o facto de que o islao afinal nao e' tao diferente do cristianismo ou do semitismo, ou que os muculmanos afinal tambem acreditam em Jesus embora achem que ele era um profeta e nao um messias ou acreditem tambem que Moises foi um profeta assim como os judeus e os cristao, etc, etc, etc, a verdadeira solucao para o problema esta' na simples tolerancia religiosa. O problema esta no simples facto de que nenhuma das religioes pratica aquilo que prega: A tolerancia, o amor fraternal, paz na terra e boa vontade entre os homens.

Sim, estas sao palavras cristas, mas a mensagem 'e a mesma vinda qualquer religiao. Pelo contrario, as religioes pregam intolerancia e pouca boa vontade entre os homens. Quando, por exemplo, os cristao pregam que temos de ter compaixao para com os membros de outras religioes, nao e' essa uma forma de intolerancia? Nao essa uma forma de olhar com desdem para aquilo em que os outros acreditam e como tal, devemos ter compaixao por eles?

No dia em que todos os homens aprenderem a tolerar-se e a viver uns com os outros, ai sim, teremos paz mundial! Mas algo me diz, que isso nao esta' na natureza humana'... nao esta' em no's!