Ora o meu amigo Mario Sobral enviou-me esta perola de post, escrita por ele, deixado no Freakonomics, o blog de Steven Leavitt, o author do livro com o mesmo nome do blog, onde este descrevia um possivel atentado terrorista nos Estados Unidos e perguntava aos leitores se eles fossem terroristas, que tipo de atentado fariam. O post do Mario Sobral (post #88) bate o resto aos pontos, e isso pode ser constatado pelas respostas que se seguiram. Esta gente anda mesmo cega!
Aqui se segue, na integra, o post do Mario Sobral, publicado com a devida autorizacao do autor, e o qual subscrevo totalmente:
"The best terror strategy is simple.
Become president of the powerful nation you wish to bring to their knees, even if you have to cheat your way through the elections. Keep your country’s citizens as scared of something as possible. Make them feel they are under constant threat from some outside force, but you MUST give it a name. Names known to help with this consist of “the communists”, “the terrorists”, “the traitors”, “the enemy”. Do not use any name that can be specific, it must be something that anyone can be accused of regardless of being the truth or not !!! And just to make sure you really scare them, throw in some “weapons of mass destruction” expressions whenever possible. Meanwhile, make sure you do everything possible to lose all the support from your country’s long time allies and friends, it will help your people think you are the only salvation and protection for them, and make them become more united “against the threats”.
Then, make sure you invade a poor country which produces a high amount of something essential to your economy, preferably a country you have supported and sold weapons to before. You can make up any excuse to justify your actions, as long as it means getting back at the named threats previously mentioned.
Going to war usually makes your people support even more your most terror inducing decisions, since they are too busy watching “YourCountry Idol” on TV to really understand what’s going on. If you discover that your objectives for the war, which never existed in the first place except to keep people scared, aren’t achieavable, just send in more troops and mention words of “bring democracy there”, “protect the weak”, “save the people in distress” or something similar that shows how your intentions towards the invaded country are much better than your actions towards your own people in your own country.
But be careful, there’s a risk that a natural disaster like a hurricane may bring attention to your plot to transform a once prosperous and democratic country admired by many allies, into a nation of scared overweight and neglected citizens.
If you do things right, it may take some time, but your country should then be hated by many more people than ever, your allies will avoid supporting your actions as much as possible, your domestic economy should be soon folding to rising economies of other big “waking bear” countries and best of all, you’ll retire rich and without ever being punished for any of your lying, cheating, terror inducing strategy.
— Posted by Mario Sobral "
Muito bem, Mario! Sem comentarios!
quinta-feira, agosto 09, 2007
A melhor estrategia terrorista de todos os tempos!
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